What is The Hekatic Oracle?

What is The Hekatic Oracle?
In the land of Ancient Egypt, an integral component of the culture lay in the realm of the unseen aspect of this reality. The conscious manipulation and cooperation with this unseen aspect was named Heka.
Heka is, in other words, Magick—magick with a “k”, as opposed to stage magic where ladies are sawed in half and cards disappear before one’s eyes. Magick with a “k” is the communion with the unseen aspect to bring about a change upon reality in accordance with one’s will.
The Hekatic Oracle deals with Kemetic (Egyptian) magick and divination (or Heka) specifically, because the civilization of ancient Egypt was amongst, if not the most powerful civilization of the ancient world.
But not only do we deal with subjects pertaining to Heka, but the ways of the world in general, and it's mixing with magick and manifestation.
The Hekatic Oracle, though built on the foundation of Kemetic Heka, is not bound by that lineage alone. I use a personal version of techniques which are dipped generously in the lake of Heka. For the sake of simplicity, we can call it Heka, but it is always a wise move for one to follow their own path, once their exists sufficient knowledge to enable one to do so.
We at The Hekatic Oracle are teachers, but what is a teacher? A teacher is not a doer in the place of oneself, but rather a way shower—one who helps the seeker find and travel their path. But it is the seeker, or the student, who must use what they learn, and apply it themselves.
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