Client Consultations—Oracle Divination
What is Divination?
For those who have a burning question about their life, for example uncertainty about what may pass in the future, or how to bring about abundance, it is helpful to turn to a "diviner" who can read the "code" of reality and provide insight into the answers one seeks.
What is divination? A general definition of divination states: Divination is the attempt to gain insight into a question or situation by way of an occultic, standardized process or ritual.—Wikipedia
What we as diviners do is utilize whatever methods of preference we may have to read or "divine" the energy surrounding the doubt in one's mind, and display one's path to inform and compel action in a certain direction.
If you have a question about your life, feel free to contact me here at The Hekatic Oracle for a consultation, and pricing.
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