The Manifestation Primer (Part 1)

One thing that those reading this blog should know by now is that the way of magick is a human birthright. Things and situations function in concert with unseen means, and the conscious interaction and utilization of these means is what magick is. We use magick to manifest that which we desire, want or need, because there is a code in place that will bring the things which we will to cross our paths into our reality. 

Despite the fact that manifestation is in fact how this world functions, it still eludes the majority as to how to bring about that which they want in this world where things seemingly happen by chance, both good and bad. Since the human race has lost its inherent ability to live and play in the ethers of existence, as was so prevalent in ancient times, we must seek the knowledge for ourselves, and learn how to return to that state of being. 

There exists primers dating back to antiquity, however, the average person of today struggles to make heads or tails of what is being conveyed. Texts such as the Bible, the Koran (Quran) and things of the like, were written in their current form as primers for the initiated, and a mind trap for the rest. One must know how to interpret the information that lays inside these books in order to understand and overstand the messages presented. 

"When you make the two into one, and when you make the inner as the outer, and the upper as the lower, and when you make male and female into a single one, so that the male shall not be male, and the female shall not be female: . . . then you will enter [the kingdom]."

Let us begin with the above saying from The Gospel of Thomas, 22. The overarching theme of this passage as one can read, is the culmination of ‘two into one’. If one is uninitiated in the underlying symbolic tradition at play, one may interpret such a statement as simply the joining together of two things. This is partly true, however, what is being missed is that the joining together is not of two separate things, but of two things that are integrally of the same origin, with seemingly differing existences, thus they were never truly separated in the first place. What’s more is that these two things are in fact inside oneself, and not something outside to seek for. We can also interpret here that what is called the law of correspondence, one of the Seven Hermetic Principles, is being discussed. The law of correspondence is as follows: As above, so below; As within, so without. In other words, to make desires become manifest, for example, the outer must become as the inner, and the inner must become as the outer. This means that as one’s inner, mental environment exists, so shall one’s outer conform with it—as one thinks on the inside, so shall it be reflected on the outside; that on the outside becomes as the inside.

How To Manifest

To manifest, have the image of that which you want in your mind, and experience it as though it were real. There is in actuality concrete science behind such a process due to the fact that the brain induces a  physiological response in the body when it is processing something that it experiences, because it can not distinguish the difference between what is “real” and what is imagined. Thus we can see that even at this simple level, there is a tangible, physical result of the thoughts that we have. 

So how might this manifest on the physical plane as the bringing about of a desire that one has? For this, let us touch on the scientifically proven fact that energy, frequency and resonance are the integral functioning of this paradigm. Thoughts are waves of frequency, sound is frequency, light is frequency, the components of “solid” matter radiate at frequencies—the reason why you can shatter a glass with a sound wave. There is nothing that is not vibration or frequency. It follows then that since all is frequency, when you yourself radiate at a certain frequency, due to the principle I call ‘corresponding resonance’, that which resonates at a certain, dominant frequency will influence all that which is around it, causing things in the surrounding environment to resonate at that frequency. For example, when a set of violins are placed around each other, if you were to pluck one of the strings of one of the violins, the surrounding violins will also resonate and hum on that same note. It is much the same with thoughts and intention. When you resonate your whole being with a thought and an intention, the surrounding environment has no choice but to eventually resonate in tune with the vibrations that you are putting out. The stronger you can make that dominant frequency, the stronger the environment will resonate with you in response. 

The 7 Hermetic Principles

In the world of the esoteric, the principles of Hermeticism lay out the workings of reality beyond the mundane physical realm, and describes the under-the-hood workings of reality. Above we touched on corresponding resonance, and such a concept is paralleled in what is called the Seven Hermetic Principles. 

The Seven Hermetic Principles are as follows: 

The Law of Mentalism

The Law of Correspondence

The Law of Vibration

The Law of Gender

The Law of Polarity

The Law of Rhythm

The Law of Cause and Effect

A full explanation of the Seven Hermetic Principles will be beyond the scope of this post, but these precepts are extremely important in the world of manifestation, thus we will be touching upon them here. 

Continued in Part 2

Further Reading/Sources:


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